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Win-Win Resolutions Media

Guilford County Bullying Prevention Media Briefing with Debra Vigliano


Part 1-Stand Up To Bullying; WFMY 2 with Debra Vigliano

Part 2-Stand Up To Bullying; WFMY 2 with Debra Vigliano

Guilford County Schools Newsbreak: Young Peacemaker Awards

Young Peacemakers Stand Up To Bullies by WFMY2

Young Peacemakers Awards Banquet Video Highlights

Created by 2010 Peacemaker Student Winner - Tyler Hardin, TDH MEDIA

Win-Win Resolutions Pepsi Refresh Campaign

Highlights from past Win-Win conflict resolution, anti-bullying
and gang prevention CREW YOUTH programs.

TESTIMONIALS from past Win-Win FAMILY CREW program participants


Clicke here to listen to NPR (National Public Radio) - Win-Win FEATURE STORY
a nationally syndicated 4-minute NPR
feature story on Win-Win's 6-week elementary (conflict resolution,
anti-bullying and gang prevention) program.